Bridging Bioethics Research & Policymaking 2024 Request for Proposals


The Greenwall Foundation is requesting proposals for the Bridging Bioethics Research & Policymaking grant initiative, which supports the innovative and practical integration of bioethics into policy. This initiative does not fund bioethics research but, rather, supports bioethics researchers, policymakers, and others to take the next step and bridge the divide between research results and policymaking.

Rapid developments in healthcare, science, and technology raise exciting possibilities to advance our health and well-being, but also raise complex ethical dilemmas. Strengthening the relationship between bioethics and policy can help decision-makers navigate conflicting points of view and find the best way forward.

Applications are due July 22, 2024 by 11:59 pm ET, for projects to begin on or after October 1, 2024, but not later than January 1, 2025. Please direct questions about this initiative to Kyle Ruempler at [email protected]. Please also review the Frequently Asked Questions

Guidance for Proposals

Relevant policymaking under this initiative can occur at the federal, state, or local level. The Foundation intentionally is not prescribing the mechanisms it will fund through this initiative and welcomes creative ideas and applications. For illustrative purposes only, such mechanisms might include making actionable bioethics research readily available to policymakers in digestible and accessible formats or scaling up an evidence-based policy solution. They are unlikely to include publishing in an academic journal. 

Consistent with its status as a 501(c)(3) private foundation, the Foundation will not fund direct or grassroots lobbying (i.e., attempts to influence specific legislation) under this initiative, but education, nonpartisan analyses/reports, and other similar efforts are appropriate. 

We understand that proposed projects might benefit from varied professional expertise on the project team, for example, expertise in policy, communications and media relations, data visualization, or other fields. Therefore, applications from or partnerships with policymakers and others outside of academia are encouraged. 

Grants under this initiative will be capped at $50,000. Projects with smaller budgets and shorter timelines will receive priority. The Greenwall Foundation only makes awards to affiliated individuals at institutions with tax-exempt status in the United States.

In addition, the Foundation is committed to building a broad and inclusive bioethics that welcomes everyone, elevates many perspectives, asks a wide range of questions, and learns from diverse voices. For more information on how the Foundation incorporates these values into our grantmaking, read more here.

How to Apply

All applications must be submitted through the Foundation’s online grant system and should include:

  • A brief (75-100 word) abstract of the project for a lay audience.  
  • A three-page narrative, with one-inch margins and font no smaller than 12-point. (References will not count toward the three-page limit.) This narrative should include: 
    • A brief explanation of the relevant bioethics research findings.
    • A brief discussion of the relevant policy gap, challenge, or dilemma and the potential impact of the bioethics research findings on it.
    • A description of the proposed mechanism for bridging bioethics research and policymaking, including the intended audience and methods for carrying it out.
    • An explanation of why this mechanism is a promising approach for bridging bioethics research and policymaking.
    • A summary of the team’s experience effecting policy change.
    • An outline of how to measure the proposal’s success in integrating bioethics into policy.
  • A publication or other summary of the bioethics research findings (e.g., presentation abstract or conference summary) that the project seeks to translate to policy, no more than 20 pages total.
  • The Principal Investigator’s CV and up to two other team members’ CVs, no more than five single-spaced pages each.
  • Proposed budget (please use this form) and other supplemental financial materials, including a narrative budget justification up to two pages, single-spaced.

You are also permitted to submit up to 5 pages of supplemental materials in support of your application such as letters of support; these materials are not required. You can preview the grant application form here.

Once applications are reviewed, the Foundation may contact you with questions about or suggestions for your proposal. Our goal is to help applicants develop strong proposals that are positioned to have the greatest impact and that align with the Foundation’s strategic priorities.

To apply, go to Once there, please bookmark the site, create an account, and complete your application. To create an account, you must enter your institution’s EIN, which you may need to obtain from your Contracts and Grants Office; please do not input a placeholder or invalid EIN, which may delay consideration of your application. Please note: it is important that your application be submitted from the principal investigator’s online account, rather than that of a staff member at the PI’s institution or another member of the research team.

If you have any technical questions or concerns regarding the online application process, please contact [email protected]. If you continue to experience difficulty with the online application process, please contact Kyle Ruempler at [email protected]. We will not accept late applications that result from technical issues with the online application portal, so we recommend that you log in and enter your information in advance of the deadline.