December 2019

2019 William C. Stubing Memorial Lecture - Video

The 2019 William C. Stubing Memorial Lecture featured Dr. Amy Gutmann, President of the University of Pennsylvania and Chair of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues (2009-2017). She presented “Can Democratic Deliberation Help Us to Resolve Difficult Issues? The Case of Physician Aid-in-Dying,” moderated by Susan Dentzer, Senior Policy Fellow at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy and former On-Air Health Correspondent for PBS NewsHour.

The William C. Stubing Lecture series was created in honor and memory of Mr. Stubing, president of The Greenwall Foundation for 21 years, as it was he who guided the Foundation to its current focus on bioethics.

You can view the video recording of the 2019 lecture here:
