Our Grants

Improving Bioethics in SDOH-Focused Medicaid Programs

Alex Sheff, MPA
Health Care For All
Grant Type Bridging Bioethics Research & Policymaking
Grant Cycle 2024
Duration 12 months
Amount $46,551

This project seeks to translate important considerations in bioethics into policy outcomes for Medicaid programs investing in supports that address social determinants of health, also known as health-related social needs (HRSNs). The team aims to ensure that policymakers take bioethical principles on resource distribution and the valuing of outcomes beyond financial impacts prioritized by health care institutions into consideration when planning the expansion of an HRSNs pilot in Massachusetts’s Medicaid program. This project will be led by Health Care For All (HCFA) Massachusetts, a consumer advocacy organization, that works with bioethical researchers, the state’s Medicaid leadership, and social service organizations across the state.
