
Bernard Lo, MD

President Emeritus

Bernard Lo is President Emeritus of The Greenwall Foundation; he served as its President and CEO from 2012-2020. Previously he was Professor of Medicine and Director of the Program in Medical Ethics at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). A member of the National Academy of Medicine, Dr. Lo has chaired NAM committees on Sharing Clinical Trial Data (2015), Conflicts of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice (2009), and Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Acute Pain (2019). Dr. Lo chairs the external advisory board of the Multiregional Clinical Trials Network and co-chaired the Standards Working Group of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, which recommended regulations for publicly funded stem cell research in California. Dr. Lo serves on the Board of Directors of Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) and on the Medical Advisory Panel of Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

His recent articles include Beyond Legalization - Dilemmas Physicians Confront Regarding Aid in Dying and Protecting NIH’s Integrity and Trustworthiness in Public-Private Partnerships. He is the author of Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: A Guide for Clinicians (6th ed., 2019). He continues to care for a panel of primary care internal medicine patients at UCSF.

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